Brolink supports CANSA on Tekkie Tax Day

The last Friday in May is the International Tekkie Tax Day, where South Africa stands together to show where their hearts lie, choosing from the five sectors, which include: Animals, to bring hope, children, disability and education.
Tekkies were the order of the day on 31 May 2019, as we proudly participated in Tekkie Tax to support our chosen cause, CANSA.
For only R10, our employees showed their support (or rather, paid their taxes) by purchasing education stickers in aid of CANSA’s education programmes to lower cancer risk, and care & support programmes for those affected by cancer. Those who wished also paired these with a pair of funky shoelaces to spunk up their tekkies.
All the funds raised will help to continue educating communities about the importance of screening and lowering cancer risk, as well as provide support to cancer survivors to cope with cancer diagnosis.
“Every R10 makes a difference and it is clear that Brolink employees care,” says HR Business Partner, Norne Naude.