Brolink’s response to the Covid-19 crisis

Dear business partners,
“Even the darkest hour only has sixty minutes.”
And so, with our joint effort, we will also overcome the Covid-19 crisis.
In these challenging times, our priorities at Brolink are to safeguard the safety of our people and partners, to help fight Covid-19 and to maintain the good service that you have come to expect of us.
We are taking lots of extra precautions:
- More than half of our people are now working from home and many of them say they are more productive than before.
- We are intensifying cleaning routines and general hygiene around the office.
- We have imposed travel restrictions and implemented self-quarantine practices.
- We are minimising social contact and are instead using video conferencing quite effectively.
- We have drafted an emergency response procedure and set aside an isolation room – Just in case.
- And we are also fast-tracking procurement of extra IT equipment.
To support our community’s fight against coronavirus, we are avoiding all kinds of face-to-face meetings in general, have cancelled broker visits and are postponing on-site training until further notice.
I hope this meets with your approval, and assure you that Brolink’s team is within easy reach, be it telephonically or via video conference facilities which have been working exceptionally well.
We are doing our best to maintain high standards and initial indications are that we are indeed maintaining service levels. But please be patient with us in case there are unanticipated challenges.
We have also noted a reduction in the volume of claims, probably as a result of reduced traffic, and possibly only temporary.
Brolink’s management team is regularly assessing the situation to adapt response as circumstances demand.
Our people have been pulling together and I am confident that we will master the challenges, together with you as our business partner.
Please reach out to me or my team should you have any concerns.
Howard John
Chief Executive Officer