Study Benefits

With a goal of becoming an employer of choice, we have introduced the following study benefits:
Brolink will pay the course fees, study material and exam fees for studies through FAIS recognised learning institutions.
No payback of the above costs when the employee passes.
If the employee is unsuccessful in their studies or if the employment relationship is terminated within 12 months of the date when results are released, the total amount of fees paid by Brolink shall be repaid by the employee.
Department managers will identify employees who are required to complete FAIS accredited qualifications to ensure that employees are compliant in line with their respective duties.
For employees who wish to further their studies through a FAIS recognised learning institution, these staff members will submit all necessary information for approval to their line managers and department executive.
Once approved, all necessary documentation will be submitted to the HR executive for final sign-off.
Study loans are available to employees who wish to study a qualification that is related to either their current occupation or a qualification that is in line with their approved performance development plan.
The full re-payment of the cost of studies are available as follows:
Option A: The employee is required to repay the study loan amount monthly over a maximum of 12 months with no interest on loan.
Option B: The employee is required to a work back period of one month for every R1 000 paid by Brolink towards the course.
Employees are entitled to two days paid study leave for each written examination for approved courses of study subject to a maximum of 12 days per annum.
The two days relate to the day immediately preceding the day of the examination and the day of the examination itself.
The preparation day will not apply in respect of an examination on a Monday or the day after a public holiday.